
Holding Space – Three groups in one

Holding space is the name of our small Christian community based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire that supports people who are affected by disability. We also have a presence online.

We run as 3 separate, but connected groups. This provides a wider community that helps all of the groups to run well and be more resilient. Our 3 groups are

Struggling Saints

Struggling Saints Logo
Struggling Saints Logo

This group provides a place for disabled adults to meet with God and reflect on his call on our lives to be disabled disciples for him. We meet each week on Twitter @strgl_St_Bible and have met in Chesterfield and online to reflect on how God meets us in our disability


A Cup of Coffee
Caring for Carers

Solace is a group for carers that meets ‘live’ around six times a year. We have an active WhatsApp group and share encouragements and support regularly on thas


This is a group for disabled children and their families which provides small cell groups of Children who are able to meet together and connect with God in a way that is appropriate to them. We also provide ways for parents to connect with God in their own homes

A picture of the hall ready for a Saplings event
Setting up for Saplings
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